So this nice new feature was snuck into code 12.6, What does it do ? And who is it good for ?
You can have a s-tag vlan ( vman in extreme ) and you can look at the ingress packets coming in from your end cpe ( cheap broadband router), you can then based on the port it comes in to either translate this to another s-tag and encapsulate the c-tag and send it over your PB transport vlan.
You could also translate thoose c-tags to another c-tag on the other end. This makes it usefull if you have for say two providers on the same metroswitch that sends you the same c-tags and you have to bring the out on the same port on the other end .
The functionality I missed in this is the ability to translate s-tag id to another s-tag id. That would help in the case where you have NNI towards other pure ethernet operators.