fredag 10 september 2010


What is the problem with DDMI for Extreme ? We have been talking about this feature for three years now and and we have been told that it would be released in a later XOS version. All of a sudden the major platform the last three years, Summit series doesn't support it in hardware. HOW ? They didn't knew that three years ago what hardware they had ?

tisdag 7 september 2010

Stacking Extreme Switches.

One thing that puzzles me is the way coders choose to implement different type of scripts/codes in software.
Recently we have been converting a lot of standalone Extreme Summit families switches to stack. That procedure involves a command that is
enable stacking.
It sets all the needed parameters and reboots the switch. Fair enough.
However it also wipes out the configuration? Why? Ohh there is some magic stuff in the configuration that we can't keep or is totally changed.
Hmm I diffed the two files and found out that the only major difference is the port numbering. So when I edited the ports to X:X instead of X and reloaded the switch with the "none" stacking configuration it all worked. Why ohh why couldn't this be default..... Or maybe something is eluding me?